Add Lifetime Recurring Monthly Income Into Your Business
...up to 35%
You earn up to 35% of the sales generated from your customers for the life of your customer. limits ever!
Your Customers Receive Full Support - From Us!
Let our E-Business Advisors do the support work for you. Unless you're charging by the hour for support, you need to reduce it as much as possible. We'll take your customers by the hand and walk them through every step of our ecommerce solution so you don't have to.
Advanced Feature Set
Making the software code work is the easy part, making the software work to add 32.6%, or more, money into the pockets of your customer is what we do best.
We took 15 years of offline marketing, plus 11 years of internet product marketing, and combined it with 6 years of dedicated programming time to create the most feature laden, revenue enhancing, and easy to use ecommerce solution available online and we're adding more to it each week.
(Those are calendar years, not "man years" yes, we're getting a bit old. Multiply those years by our staff volume and the hours and dollars invested are truly staggering)
Unlimited Sites, One License
This benefit is so amazing that nobody ever "gets it" the first time they hear about it. But once they discover what we're offering, and the power behind this new flexibility, they always wonder why only we give this to you.
We're the only system that gives you true "look, feel and functionality" for an unlimited number of websites with only 1 license.
Turn Happy Customers Into Raving Fans
Your website plus our software makes for a very happy customer and happier customers equal less work, more money and more referrals!